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Diagnosing Slow Response Times

Set of instructions and tool to diagnose slow HTTP requests and DB queries on Tocco.


Show Currently Running Queries

tco db-queries [--min-duration <SECS>] INSTALLATION_OR_SERVER

Show all running transactions on server exceeding 0.5 seconds:

$ tco db-queries --min-duration 0.5
nice_bbg - 509960
    state:      active
    app:        Tocco - main pool
    user:       nice_bbg
    client:     OpenShift
    TX time:    1.688 s
    query time: 1.674 s (running)
    worker:     7 process(es)
    wait event: -
    query:      select distinct user1_."lastname" as col_0_0_, user1_."firstname" as col_1_0_, lecturer_s2_."label_en" as col_2_0_,
                event3_."label_en" as col_3_0_, lecturer_b0_."pk" as col_4_0_ from "nice_lecturer_booking" lecturer_b0_ left outer join
                "nice_user" user1_ on lecturer_b0_."fk_user"=user1_."pk" left outer join "nice_lecturer_status" lecturer_s2_ on
                lecturer_b0_."fk_lecturer_status"=lecturer_s2_."pk" left outer join "nice_event" event3_ on
                lecturer_b0_."fk_event"=event3_."pk" where  not (exists (select reservatio4_."pk" from "nice_reservation_conflict_status"
                reservatio4_ where lecturer_b0_."fk_reservation_conflict_status"=reservatio4_."pk" and (reservatio4_."unique_id" in ($1 ,
                $2)))) and  not (exists (select relreserva5_."pk" from "nice_reservation_lecturer_booking" relreserva5_ where
                lecturer_b0_."pk"=relreserva5_."fk_lecturer_booking" and (exists (select relcalenda6_."pk" from "nice_calendar_event"
                relcalenda6_ where relreserva5_."pk"=relcalenda6_."fk_reservation_lecturer_booking" and (exists (select relconflic7_."pk"
                from "nice_conflict" relconflic7_ where relcalenda6_."pk"=relconflic7_."fk_calendar_event1")))))) and  not (exists (select
                relreserva8_."pk" from "nice_reservation_lecturer_booking" relreserva8_ where
                lecturer_b0_."pk"=relreserva8_."fk_lecturer_booking" and (exists (select relcalenda9_."pk" from "nice_calendar_event"
                relcalenda9_ where relreserva8_."pk"=relcalenda9_."fk_reservation_lecturer_booking" and (exists (select relconflic10_."pk"
                from "nice_conflict" relconflic10_ where relcalenda9_."pk"=relconflic10_."fk_calendar_event2")))))) order by
                user1_."lastname" asc nulls last, user1_."firstname" asc nulls last, lecturer_s2_."label_en" asc nulls last,
                event3_."label_en" asc nulls last, lecturer_b0_."pk" asc nulls last


Queries exceeding a certain threshold, can be logged automatically using log_min_duration_statement:

nice_tocco=# show log_min_duration_statement;
(1 row)

This is enabled by default on our servers but may need to be lowered temporarily.

An alternative is to enable sampling, see log_min_duration_sample.

Extracting Queries from Postgres Logs

With the above log_min_duration_statement, logs exceeding the given duration will be logged. pg-parse-logs can be used to extract the queries from the logs and convert them into a human-readable form.

  1. Copy logs from server (in a resumable fashion):

    rsync --rsync-path='sudo rsync' --append --progress ${server_name}:/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-15-main.log log
  2. Install dependencies:

    apt-get install python3-pglast
  1. Now use pg-parse-logs to extract and prettify slow queries:

    $ ./pg-parse-logs log
    time: 2024-02-18 03:00:07.198 CET
    db: nice_pszh_history
    duration: 6791.048
    params: {'$1': "'2022-02-18 02:00:00.372022+00'"}
    DELETE FROM nice_history
    WHERE insertion_time < '2022-02-18 02:00:00.372022+00'
    time: 2024-02-18 03:00:10.773 CET
    db: nice_ethzf
    duration: 5022.25
    params: {'$1': "'anlassdon'", '$2': "'commitment'", '$3': "'receipt'", '$4': "'thanks'", '$5': "'2'"}
    SELECT DISTINCT user0_.lastname AS col_0_0_
                  , user0_.firstname AS col_1_0_
                  , AS col_2_0_
    FROM nice_user AS user0_
    WHERE (SELECT count(
           FROM nice_donation AS reldonatio1_
                LEFT JOIN nice_donation_type AS donation_t2_ ON reldonatio1_.fk_donation_type =
                LEFT JOIN nice_donation_status AS donation_s3_ ON reldonatio1_.fk_donation_status =
           WHERE = reldonatio1_.fk_user
             AND donation_t2_.unique_id <> 'anlassdon'
             AND donation_s3_.unique_id IN ('commitment', 'receipt', 'thanks')) >= '2'
    ORDER BY user0_.lastname ASC NULLS LAST
           , user0_.firstname ASC NULLS LAST
           , ASC NULLS LAST

    See –help for available options:

    $ parse-pg-logs --help
    usage: parse-pg-logs [-h] [--min-duration SECS] [--db DB] [log_file]
    positional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --min-duration SECS, -m SECS
                            show only query exceeding a duration of SECS
      --db DB, -d DB        limit output to given DB

HTTP Request Logs

OpenShift API - Filter Slow HTTP Queries

Request logs from master exceeding 1 second:

$ tco logs -c nginx-raw master | grep -P '^\{.*\}$' | jq 'if (.request_time > 1) and (.uri == "/nice2/dwr/call/plainpoll/ReverseAjax.dwr"|not) and (.uri == "/nice2/websocket/notification"|not) then {"time": ."@timestamp", "duration": .request_time, "url": .url, "referrer": .referrer, "agent": .user_agent, "ip": .client_addr, "user": .user_name, "error_id": .error_id} else empty end'
  "time": "2024-02-23T08:49:42+00:00",
  "duration": 1.039,
  "url": "",
  "referrer": "",
  "agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:123.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/123.0",
  "ip": "",
  "user": "*******",
  "error_id": "nektuj"
  "time": "2024-02-23T08:50:34+00:00",
  "duration": 1.611,
  "url": "",
  "referrer": "",
  "agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:122.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/122.0",
  "ip": "",
  "user": "anonymous",
  "error_id": "qlkqwc"

Kibana - Filter Slow HTTP Queries

After first login to kibana, you can use the Nginx filter to see queries.

  1. Discover → Open → Nginx

  2. Enable 1s+ filter

The 1s+ filters requests exeeding 1s. Edit it as needed to limit the filter to slower queries.



Tocco Builtin - System_activity

  1. Open System_activity

  2. Select predefined “execution time exceeding N seconds” filter or use TQL (execution_time > 1000 // ms).



DB duration and and request count needs to be enabled via nice2.persist.enableSqlLogging. See Debugging properties.

Tocco builtin - Leak Detection

The connection pool, HikariCP, allows to enable leak dedection via hibernate.main.hikari.leakDetectionThreshold property. See Debugging properties.

When enabled, a message is logged whenever a connection has not been returned to the pool within the specified time. If the connection is returned after that time, an additional message is logged.