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Removing Legacy Code

Removing ExtJS Flow

As an example here the flow with the id licenceoverview is deleted

  • remove visibility status file FLOW_ID.xml (e.g. licenceoverview.xml)

  • remove file FLOW_ID.ftl (e.g. licenceoverview.ftl)

  • in the deleted file there is a line like, cfg);. search for the flow id (e.g. nice2.optional.licence.publicflows.licenceoverview.LicenceOverviewFlow)

  • delete the javascript file which contains the flow id

  • for each deleted javascript file the JavaScriptContribution must be adjusted

  • if a DWR remote service is called (e.g. nice2_optional_licence_AssociationMutationActionService) check if you can also delete the Java code (some services are used in multiple flows)

  • a javascript file often contains text resources and forms. these can be deleted if there are not used in other places in the code

  • sometimes a flow is split up in multiple files (often they are in the same directory). check if you can delete more javascript files

  • for each deleted form, check if

    • you can delete text resources (e.g. search for forms.LicenceOverview_)

    • a CustomDavaProvider is only used here and can be deleted

    • a constriction is only used here and can be deleted

    • a custom remote field form is only used here (e.g. form="...") and can be deleted

  • check if there are ACL rules only used for this flow which can be deleted (often there is a comment like /* ---licensing flow--- */ which helps finding the ACL rules)

  • check if there is cms conf entity (e.g. Licenceoverview_conf). If yes delete the entity with all relations (the foreign key to nice_content_reference must be manually dropped):

    <changeSet author="" context="schemaDefinition" dbms="postgresql" id="drop_cms_reference_fk_association_mutation_conf_fkey-3wMMeyDE/3.13.1">
        <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
    <changeSet author="" context="schemaDefinition" dbms="postgresql" id="drop_table_nice_association_mutation_conf-3wMMeyDE/3.13.1">
        <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
        <tableExists tableName="nice_association_mutation_conf"/>
        <dropTable tableName="nice_association_mutation_conf"/>
    <changeSet author="" context="schemaDefinition" dbms="postgresql" id="drop_column_fk_association_mutation_conf-wwTUC71X/3.13.1">
        <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
        <columnExists columnName="fk_association_mutation_conf" tableName="nice_content_reference"/>
        <dropColumn columnName="fk_association_mutation_conf" tableName="nice_content_reference"/>
  • clean up some cms tables before deleted the cms template and the legacy widget:

    <changeSet author="stwu" dbms="postgresql" id="remove_association_mutation_flow/3.13">
        <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
            <tableExists tableName="nice_content_reference"/>
            <tableExists tableName="nice_widget_legacy_to_section"/>
            <tableExists tableName="nice_widget_legacy"/>
            <tableExists tableName="nice_cms_template_to_content_status"/>
            <tableExists tableName="nice_cms_template"/>
        <update tableName="nice_content_reference">
            <column name="fk_association_mutation_conf" valueComputed="NULL"/>
            <where>fk_association_mutation_conf IS NOT NULL</where>
        <delete tableName="nice_content_reference">
            <where>fk_cms_template = (select pk from nice_cms_template where unique_id = 'association_mutation')</where>
        <delete tableName="nice_widget_legacy_to_section">
            <where>fk_widget_legacy IN (SELECT id FROM nice_widget_legacy
            WHERE fk_cms_template = (SELECT pk FROM nice_cms_template WHERE unique_id = 'association_mutation')
        <delete tableName="nice_widget_legacy">
            <where>fk_cms_template = (SELECT pk FROM nice_cms_template WHERE unique_id = 'association_mutation')</where>
        <delete tableName="nice_cms_template_to_content_status">
            <where>fk_cms_template = (SELECT pk FROM nice_cms_template WHERE unique_id = 'association_mutation')</where>
        <delete tableName="nice_cms_template">
            <where>unique_id = 'association_mutation'</where>
  • delete text resource template.FLOW_ID (e.g. template.licenceoverview)