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Query Builder

There are currently 5 different query builders for different query types:

In addition there is the SubqueryBuilderImpl which is used to create sub-queries. An instance of this can be acquired from the SubqueryFactory of another query builder.

Internally, JPA Criteria Queries are used. The reason for the query builder classes is that the user should not have access to the Session object to make sure that all query interceptors (security and more) are always applied.

Parts of the JPA Criteria API can still be used however, for example to specify conditions. A tutorial can be found here:


The metamodel classes are currently not available, which means typesafe queries are not possible at the moment.

All query builders can be obtained from the PersistenceService. In addition the QueryBuilderFactory provides several helper methods to create query builders.

QueryBuilderFactory helper methods

  • Get an EntityList using findKeys

EntityList entityList = queryBuilderFactory.findKeys("User")
  • Evaluate if an entity matches the condition using evaluate

Condition condition = isTrue();
queryBuilderFactory.evaluate(condition, entity)



The QueryBuilderBaseImpl is the base class for all query builders. It contains a list of Predicate instances and provides several ways to add a condition to the query:

  • Use QueryBuilderBase#where(Predicate...) to add a JPA Predicate instance

  • The PredicateBuilder is a functional interface that can be used to create Predicate instances using lambda expressions that can be passed to QueryBuilderBase#where(PredicateBuilder). The CriteriaBuilder, Root, FieldAccessor, SubqueryFactory and the query hints are passed as parameters into the lambda expression.

  • Node or Condition instances (created by the Conditions API) can also be passed to QueryBuilderBase#where(Condition...). This API is also used by the security conditions. A Condition is first converted into a Node instance using the ConditionFactory and then transformed into a Predicate using the PredicateFactory.

  • Conditions added through the whereInsecure() methods are added in insecure mode (the isInsecure flag passed to QueryBuilderInterceptor#buildConditionFor() and QueryBuilderInterceptor#fieldUsedInQueryCondition() is set to true) - this means that no ACL conditions will be added to any joins or subqueries that are present in the condition. The separate whereInsecure() method is necessary for security reasons to control where insecure conditions may be used, otherwise any user could execute insecure queries, for example through the REST API. The secure and insecure TQL keywords are no longer supported and will be ignored. This was necessary with the introduction of the query builder interceptors for joins because there was no way to mark a join as insecure (which caused huge ACL and constriction conditions).

It also invokes the QueryBuilderInterceptor#buildConditionFor() method of all interceptors when the query initialization has been completed and adds the created conditions to the list of predicates.


The QueryBuilderInterceptor#buildConditionFor() method should be called when the query builder is created; not when it is executed. For example it is expected that if a query that is created in privileged mode, it should remain privileged even if the privileged mode is no longer active when the query is executed.

The method QueryBuilderBase#build() should be called by the user when the query builder configuration is completed and returns an object that allows to access the results. The returned object depends on the subclass and is defined by generic parameter QW.


The AbstractCriteriaBuilder is the base class for all query builders that depend on a CriteriaQuery.

It initializes a CriteriaQuery, CriteriaBuilder, Root and SubqueryFactory using the entityClass (the entity that should be queried) and queryType (the result type of the query) constructor parameters.

This class also contains a map of parameters that are manually added to the query by the user and provides a helper method to apply the parameters to the query.

Parameter handling

A condition like field("name").is(value) might be mapped with a ParameterExpression even though the user specified the value directly. These parameters are collected and added to the query by the ParameterCollector.

The parameter collector is a visitor for Node objects. It sets an unique name to all parameter nodes and collects their values.

The ParameterCollector is contained by the QueryBuilderBaseImpl base class, because it is needed to create conditions.


It is important that only one parameter collector is used per query. Otherwise the parameter names are not unique and the parameter values get overwritten. This means that all Node instances passed to QueryBuilderBase#addCondition() must not have been already been processed by a parameter collector.

Before the query is executed the parameters collected by the ParameterCollector as well as parameters that are manually passed to AbstractCriteriaBuilder#addParameter#addParameter() are applied to the Query instance (see AbstractCriteriaBuilder#applyParametersToQuery()).

If the parameter value does not match the parameter type it is attempted to convert the value using TypeManager#convert(). If a Collection is used as a parameter value Query#setParameterList() is used which can be substantially faster for large parameter lists.

There are also global parameters that are applied to every query if a parameter with a certain name exists. These are provided by the ParameterProvider interface. An example would be the parameter currentUser (see PrincipalNameFactory).


The AbstractCriteriaBuilder also contains the only implementation of the SubqueryFactory which can be used to create subqueries.

There are two different options:

  • createSubquery() creates a subquery that is correlated to main query (based on a given association). This can for example be used to create EXISTS subqueries.

  • createUncorrelatedSubquery() can be used to create any other subquery that is not correlated to the main query. The selection and target entity can be freely chosen.

Both methods return an instance of SubqueryBuilderImpl which supports similar functionality as the standard query builder.


The CriteriaQueryBuilderImpl is a base class for ‘standard’ query builders that expect multiple result rows and adds support for offset, limit and ordering.


The ordering can be defined through CriteriaQueryBuilderImpl#addOrder(). Both the JPA Order (can be created by the CriteriaBuilder) and the Ordering class of the persist API are accepted.

There is a special ordering expression that can order the results by a given list of keys. This is created using OrderingUtils#orderByKeys() and results in a ORDER BY CASE WHEN ... clause.


OrderingUtils#orderByKeys() is only supported for non-distinct queries. However this should not be a problem as this ordering is usually combined with a primaryKeyIn() condition.

Query Wrappers

The CriteriaQueryBuilderImpl defines that all subclasses must return an implementation of CriteriaQueryWrapper from their build() method and provides a base implementation (AbstractCriteriaQueryWrapper).

It also defines the QT type parameter of its superclass to Object[]. That means that the hibernate queries always return Object[] instances. This is necessary because sometime we need to expand the user selection (see below).

The CriteriaQueryWrapper interface defines the following methods:

  • getResultList() returns a list of results

  • firstResult() returns the first result that was found

  • uniqueResult() returns exactly one result or null. If the query returns multiple rows, an exception will be thrown. Optionally a LockModeType can be passed to this method, which allows pessimistic locking of an entity.

firstResult() and uniqueResult() will throw an exception if no result was found. However there are firstResultOptional() and uniqueResultOptional() methods for the case when a result is not required.

  • distinct() to configure if the query should be executed with the DISTINCT keyword. By default, all queries with joins on to-many relations are executed with the DISTINCT keyword (also see this note for more information about the default behaviour).


Because a join in TQL is always a LEFT JOIN all standard queries with joins on to-many relations need to be executed DISTINCT to avoid duplicate results. However some LockModeType cause a SELECT FOR UPDATE which does not support distinct queries. In that case, distinct queries need to be manually disabled by calling distinct(false).


Before v3.9, all queries were executed with the DISTINCT keyword, no matter if it was actually needed or not. This can slow down queries substantially. Therefore, since v3.9, the DISTINCT keyword is only added if there can be duplicate results (which is the case if there are outer joins on to-many relations).


The AbstractCriteriaQueryWrapper is the base implementation of CriteriaQueryWrapper and provides the following functionality:

It requires a transformation Function which converts a result row (which is always an Object[]) into the desired target type (subclasses must override createMapperFunction()).

When getResultList() is called, the following steps are taken:

  • The final ordering clause is created: If no explicit ordering is defined for the query, the default ordering defined in the entity model is used. In addition, the primary key is always added as the last sorting parameter (unless it already is part of the sorting clause). This is necessary to guarantee a consistent ordering when LIMIT or OFFSET is used (otherwise the order might be partially random if there are many rows with same value in the order column). The default ordering is insecure added to the query to avoid performance issues (for any other sorting it is checked if the user has access to the fields and relations).

  • The final Selection of the query is determined: The user defined selection is provided by the subclass (abstract method getSelection()), however it might have to be expanded:

    According to the SQL Standard all columns that are part of the ORDER BY clause must also be part of the select clause if it is a DISTINCT query. The missing columns are automatically added to the selection (expandSelection(List<Order> order)) and are removed again before the results are processed (unwrapResults(List<Object[]> results)).

    If a SELECT CASE expression is used in the ordering clause, it also needs to be added to the selection. However in this case the ORDER BY expression needs to be replaced with a literal reference to the selection (ORDER BY 1 for example), otherwise PostgreSQL does not recognize that both of these expressions are the same.

    Due to a bug in hibernate an array selection of size 1 is not returned as array. As this breaks our code we add a dummy selection (the literal ‘1’) if the the selection size is 1.

  • The CriteriaQuery is then converted into a Query and selection, conditions, ordering and parameters are applied.

  • The query is then executed and the results returned after they have been processed by the transformation function (see above).

uniqueResult() works similarly, but as we expect only one result, we do not have to worry about the ordering clause.


The EntityQueryBuilderImpl is an implementation that queries for Entity instances.

It defines the Root as the selection of the query and the mapping function simply casts the first element of the result array into an Entity.


The AbstractPathQueryBuilder is a base class for query builders that use a CustomSelection. This means that they do not return entity instances, but only certain paths.

It provides a method called clearSelection() that re-initializes the selection. However this method cannot remove joins that were created by the previous selection and is used internally only.

This class also provides the CriteriaQueryWrapper implementation for its subclasses: CustomSelectionCriteriaQueryWrapper. getSelection() returns the selection created by CustomSelection#toJpaSelection().

It provides a protected method mapResults() that initializes the result structure and processes the query results using CustomSelection#mapResults(). This is necessary because the CustomSelection may add additional paths (for internal processing) and some paths need to evaluated in an additional query (to-many paths for example).


The SinglePathQueryBuilderImpl can be used to query for exactly one path of an entity. The constructor takes a Class<T> parameter which defines the return type of the query.

The setPath(String) method needs to be called to define which path should be selected. It is verified if the selected path matches the return type, otherwise an exception will be thrown.

An exception is also thrown if setPath(String) is never called.

It returns a CustomSelectionCriteriaQueryWrapper from its build() method with a mapping function that returns the first element of the result array.

It also provides a simple implementation of ResultRowMapper. Because the result is always the selected path of type T the mapToOnePath() and mapToManyPath() methods can simply return the values provided by the given ValueProvider.

See Custom Selection for more information about the ResultRowMapper class.


The PrimaryKeyQueryBuilderImpl can be used to query for PrimaryKey instances.

The primary key field is automatically added to the selection based on the given entity class and the results will be converted into an instance of PrimaryKey.


The PathQueryBuilderImpl can be used to query for multiple paths of an entity and always returns a container type like Object[] or Map.

The constructor of this class requires an instance of ResultRowMapper that supports the return type T.

There currently are two different implementations available:

  • ArrayResultRowMapper converts query results into a flat structure using an Object[]. The order in the array depends on the order the paths were given to addPathToSelection().

  • MapResultRowMapper converts each row into a Map. This creates a nested structure and is useful to group fields by their relation paths. The QueryBuilderResultHelperService can be used for simpler accessing (nested) paths without manually casting.

  • CustomResultRowMapperFactory supports custom beans. Any java class that is annotated with QueryBuilderResult is supported. If the field name of the bean matches the entity field name, it will be mapped automatically, otherwise the ResultPath annotation must be used to specify the mapping. It is also possible to map a sub-path of the result to a nested java bean using the NestedResultPath. The nested bean supports the same features as the main bean (but the class level annotation is not necessary). To-many paths are supported using a List or Set.

The PersistenceService#createPathQueryBuilder() methods builds an instance of ResultRowMapper using contributed ResultRowMapperFactory instances, based on the requested result type.

The method addPathToSelection() can be called multiple times to add paths to the selection. At least one path needs to be added otherwise an exception will be thrown.

There is a method setToManyPathResultLimit(int limit) to limit the number of results for a to many path. The paths are resolved with their own query and then merged with the main result set. By default, the size of the list of a to-many relation is unlimited. To prevent OOM, in the Rest entities endpoint the limit is set to 1000. If the limit is reached a ToManyPathQueryResultOverflowException is thrown.


The CriteriaCountQueryBuilder executes COUNT queries and always returns a Long.

It inherits directly from AbstractCriteriaBuilder because it does not return an Object[] and also returns a different object from its build() method.

Custom Selection

The CustomSelection is used by some query builders that select only certain paths (not entire entities).

It is not sufficient to simply add all requested paths to the JPA selection due to the following reasons:

  • Security: It must be possible to intercept field selection. The query only adds the security conditions of the target entity by default. But it does not check field permissions and also a path may point to a different entity that needs to be checked as well.

  • Paths pointing to a to-many property would return multiple rows per target entity. Even if the data would be merged later, it would make LIMIT/OFFSET options useless.

A custom selection contains a SelectionRegistry. The selection registry keeps track of all ‘requested paths’ (paths that should be included in the final Object[] returned from the query builder) and all ‘query paths’ (paths that are included in the query). Not all ‘requested paths’ will generate a ‘query path’ (for example to-many paths are evaluated in a separate query) and the ‘query paths’ may contain additional paths that are required for internal processing, but won’t be returned from the query builder. The selection registry maintains maps that keep track which query/requested path is at which position in the result arrays. It also makes sure that there are no duplicated ‘query paths’ (for example when the same internal path is required by multiple paths). All the query paths can be converted into a JPA Selection by the method toSelection().

The CustomSelection also contains multiple SelectionPathHandler. A SelectionPathHandler is responsible for handling a certain type of path.

SelectionPathHandler#processSelection() is called just before the JPA Selection is created. The SelectionRegistry is passed as an argument and can be used to add all necessary query paths to the query.

SelectionPathHandler#processResults() is called after the query has been executed. Both the list of results of the query and the target (that will be returned from the query builder) are passed as arguments. The task of the handler is to copy the query results into the target array. The SelectionRegistry contains the source and target indices of the paths. In addition an instance of ResultRowMapper is passed to this method as well.

The ResultRowMapper does the actual mapping to the final result structure and has the following methods:

  • createInstanceOfResultType() creates an instance of the result container (like Object[], Map). May also be null if there is only a single value and no container.

  • mapToOnePath() maps to-one paths to the result container. It has the following parameters:

    • paths all the paths that should be mapped

    • queryResultProvider an instance of ValueProvider that allows to access the result of the current row for a given path

    • result an instance of the result container. The results should be mapped to this object.

    • rootSelectionRegistry can be used to access the index of a given path to be able to insert it in the correct position of the result container

  • mapToManyPath() maps to-many paths to the result container. It has the same parameters as mapToOnePath(), except that it receives a list of ValueProvider

The SelectionPathHandler are also responsible for calling the QueryBuilderInterceptor selection builder methods.

  • The ToOneSelectionPathHandler is responsible for all ‘to-one’ paths. It is relatively straight-forward: the paths can be included in the query and after the query execution the paths can simply mapped to the target array.

  • The ToManySelectionPathHandler handles all ‘to-many’ paths. These paths cannot be selected directly in the query. For each base path a separate query is generated that retrieves the values of these paths for all rows. The rows are then mapped to the target array using the primary key of the root entity, that is selected by both queries. These separate queries use the default sorting as the target array is returned for an entity REST request and the to-many relation is shown in the new admin in this order.

  • There are special implementations for binary fields, because the _nice_binary table is not mapped by hibernate at the moment and cannot be queried directly. They use the BinaryDataAccessor to efficiently load BinaryData instances, which are then merged into the target array.

Query Builder Interceptor

The QueryBuilderInterceptor participates in the query building process.


This method is called for every query root and for every subquery and can add additional conditions to the query.

  • BusinessUnitQueryBuilderInterceptor makes sure that only entities belonging to the current business unit are returned

  • SecureQueryInterceptor adds additional conditions based on the security policy

The method takes an instance of QueryBuilderType which signifies by what kind of query builder it is called. Currently READ and DELETE are supported. The SecureQueryInterceptor uses this information to apply the correct security conditions depending on the query type.

The argument QueryBuilderSituation indicates whether the returned conditions will be applied to a (sub)query or a join.


This method will be called whenever a field is used in a query condition, for example where username == 'user'. The SecureQueryInterceptor will return conditions based on entityPath rules and will throw an exception when a field is used that is marked as privileged-only in the field model.


This method is only used when a CustomSelection is used. It is called once for each ‘base path’ (a path without field) of the query. So for example when the paths, relUser.lastname, relAddress.address, are selected, the method is called once for relUser and relAddress.

The method may return an SelectionInterceptor, which allows modification of the selection and inspection & replacement of the query results.


beforeQueryExecution(SelectionData) is called before the relevant query is executed and allows adding additional selection paths. One use case is to add the primary key of a ‘base path’ to the selection in order to be able to check access permissions.

handleQueryResults() gives access to the query results and also allows overriding the query results. The use case of the SecureQueryInterceptor is to find all primary keys of a base path using QueryResult#getValuesForPath() then check access permissions and overwrite the value with null if access is denied (using QueryResult#findRowsWithValueAtPath() and Row#setValueForPath().

Interceptors for Joins

The QueryBuilderInterceptor is also called for joins that are used in conditions (in addition to subqueries and the root entity) to make sure that the conditions cannot be used to bypass ACL rules.

For example the query find User where relUser_status.unique_id == "active" should not return any results if the principal does not have access to the related User_status entity or the relUser_status field of the User entity.

Unlike additional conditions for the root entity, additional conditions for joins cannot just be added to the query builder:

(relUser_status.unique_id == "active" or username is not null) would become (relUser_status.unique_id == "active" or username is not null) and <interceptor-condition>. This would never return any results if the condition added by the interceptor evaluates to false, even if the second part of the OR clause is true. Therefore the condition needs to be combined only with the clause that contains the join: (relUser_status.unique_id == "active" and <interceptor-condition>) or username is not null.


Due to this, large OR clauses should be replaced with an IN clause, as the OR clause can become very inefficient: where value = 1 AND <interceptor-condition> OR value = 2 AND <interceptor-condition> ... versus where value IN (1,2,...) AND <interceptor-condition>.

To achieve this we use an extended CriteriaBuilder that intercepts the creation of all predicates and wraps them with the conditions from the interceptors if necessary (CriteriaBuilderWrapper).

The wrapper overrides methods like equal() and notEqual():

  • The creation of the actual predicate is delegated to the ‘real’ criteria builder

  • All expressions that are passed to the criteria builder (see below) are then processed by the interceptors and the resulting Node instances will be converted to Predicate instances using a derived PredicateFactory. The predicate factory needs to be derived to use the current join as the query root (as the conditions are based on this entity, not the query root) and to use the real criteria builder to avoid endless recursion.

  • The actual predicate is then combined with the interceptor predicates and an AND predicate is returned from the call (only if there are any interceptor predicates, otherwise just the actual predicate is returned directly).

  • The unwrap() method may be used to access the underlying criteria builder. However this should only be used internally when necessary, as conditions created using the underlying criteria builder directly won’t contain any security conditions.

Conditions are collected from the following expressions:


A path might for example look like relEntity.relEntity2.field. The Path instance always references the last path element. If it is an instance of From, the last path element is a relation, otherwise it is a field.

For the example path the conditions of the following interceptor calls are collected:

  • fieldUsedInQueryCondition("Address", "city") (this call only applies when the path points to a field)

  • buildConditionFor("Address")

  • fieldUsedInQueryCondition("User", "relAddress")

  • buildConditionFor("User")

  • fieldUsedInQueryCondition(ROOT, "relUser")


All parameter expressions of the function call are recursively evaluated (see above how Path expression are evaluated).


A (correlated) subquery might be created for example from the following condition exists(relUser.relAddress.relStatus where ... ).

In this example the relStatus join is the ‘root’ of the subquery: conditions of the Status entity do not need to be added to the join, they will already be added to the subquery. However it is necessary to check the field of that join (Address#relStatus).

The relAddress join is the ‘correlated’ join. Conditions up to this join will be collected (see above how Path expression are evaluated).

So for the above example the following interceptor calls are made:

  • fieldUsedInQueryCondition("Address", "relStatus")

  • buildConditionFor("Address")

  • fieldUsedInQueryCondition("User", "relAddress")

  • buildConditionFor("User")

  • fieldUsedInQueryCondition(ROOT, "relUser")

Joins and fields in the ORDER BY clause

It is also necessary to secure the ORDER BY clauses, it should not be possible to order by a field or relation that is not accessible. For that purpose the CriteriaBuilderWrapper also overrides the asc and desc methods and returns a modified order by clause that uses a SELECT CASE ... WHEN ... expression.

Conditions are collected for the ORDER BY expression in the same way as described for conditions above. The collected conditions are then wrapped in the following way:

ORDER BY name becomes ORDER BY SELECT CASE <interceptor-condition> THEN name OTHERWISE null which means that rows where the ORDER BY clause is not accessible will be ordered like if the ORDER BY clause would evaluate to NULL.

Normally null values are at the end for ascending sorting and at the beginning for descending sorting. If a case expression is used in a DISTINCT query, duplicates are eliminated but the column with the case expression is also considered. It can happen that the “same” same row is twice in the result with the only difference that once null is in the column of the case expression (e.g. Requirement is sorted by relRequirement_rule.label and an extranet user only sees the own requirements. As an outer join is used the requirements of other users are also in the result but due to missing permission null is returned by the case statement). Later this “virtual” column for the case expression is removed and the duplicates are again eliminated (first occurrence is used). If nulls first is used for descending sorting, the sorting is not as expected as all rows contain null in the column of the case expression. For this specific case always use nulls last. A side effect is that we cannot distinguish between condition of case expression is not matched (and null is returned) and an actual null value in column.

However, this can slow down queries substantially when big data tables (>100k entries) are queried, because the database can’t use an index or another efficient method to sort the values, because the sorting column is derived dynamically using the CASE..WHEN statements.

To improve the performance where no overly sensitive data is involved, we can now register certain paths which can be sorted insecure (like it was always the case before v2.25). Keep in mind though that this should be used very carefully and only if there’s no other feasible approach to speed the sorting up (and if sorting can’t be disabled completely). To register a path as insecure order path, register a InsecureOrderPathContribution for it.

Custom JDBC Functions

Custom query functions can be implemented using the JdbcFunction interface. The contributions are registered with the SessionFactoryBuilder by the HibernateCoreBootstrapContribution.

In addition to the contributed functions, the GlobSqlFunction is registered as well. It implements the glob function, which is internally used when the Operator#LIKE is specified. It uses LIKE internally but is also replacing * with % and ? with _ so that both placeholders are supported.

Each function must provide a SqmFunctionDescriptor which contains the SQL template. An instance of JdbcFunctionWriter is provided to facilitate writing the SQL query. The sql writer is obtained from Context#createSqlWriter() and is automatically configured based on the current Dialect.

The abstract base class AbstractJdbcFunction provides support to create the sql function templates:

  • Find the correct hibernate Type based on the nice Type

  • The writeArgument() method can be used to write a parameter placeholder into the sql string


The arguments of the Condition are passed to the criteria builder in the same order. If the order of arguments is different in the sql template or a parameter is used multiple times, the argumentOrder() method needs to be overwritten by the JdbcFunction. The arguments are then reordered and/or duplicated by the FuncallArgumentProcessor before the query is processed.


The JdbcFunction operates directly on the SQL level and can be used to access database specific functions. An example is the BirthdayQueryFunction that uses the extract PostgreSQL function.


Each JDBC Function must implement the validateArguments() function which should check whether the given arguments (paths in particular) are compatible with the function. If an incompatible path is given to the function, the content of that path might be visible in the log file, which is a security issue.

Query Functions

A QueryFunction can be used to implement a custom function that can be used in the query language. The query functions are applied by the ConditionFactory when the Node tree is processed and can manipulate its nodes.


An example would be the FulltextSearchFunction: It executes the fulltext search when the query is compiled and replaces the query function node with an IN condition that includes the primary keys of the results of the search.

Query Compiler

The CriteriaQueryCompiler is responsible for creating a Query instance based on a Node.

The QueryVisitor visits the node tree and collects the entity model, condition and ordering data, which in turn will be wrapped in a HibernateQueryAdapter that is returned to the user.


The query visitor handles the following funcall nodes:

  • Keywords.FIND: The entity model that should be queried

  • Keywords.ORDER: Each child node represents an order path and direction

  • Keywords.WHERE: The condition of the query.

The condition (the WHERE part of the query) is processed by the ConditionFactory before it is added to the conditions list. The condition factory applies the following visitors:

  • TypeSettingVisitor: Sets the Type of a field to the corresponding path node

  • QueryFunctionCompiler: Applies all QueryFunction to the conditions

Predicate Factory

The PredicateFactory converts Node instances representing conditions into a Predicate. These conditions are created by the QueryBuilderFactory as well as the ACL parser.

The node tree is parsed using different NodeVisitor implementations, that all extend from AbstractNodeVisitor.


This is the base class that all visitor implementations use. It defines an abstract method (getPredicate()) which should return a Predicate instance for the current node. For example the LogicalNodeVisitor converts an AndNode or OrNode into SqmJunctionPredicate and converts NotNode into a SqmComparisonPredicate.

Additionally the base class provides helper methods to handle child nodes (handle[...]Node()). These helper methods create a new visitor for the given node and pass it to processVisitor(), which processes the node with the new visitor. It also calls Cursor#next() to make sure that nested calls are only handled by the newly created visitor. Each child node is processed in isolation by its own visitor instance and its results are then aggregated by the parent visitor.

A FuncallNode may be a placeholder for different types of nodes:

  • EXISTS subquery

  • IN condition

  • COUNT subquery

  • a JdbcFunction call


An abstract base class that handles a PathNode and converts the path into a Path performing joins if necessary.

The actual work is done in QueryBuilderJoinHelper:

  • Iteration over all path parts (relUser.relAddress.value would be three different parts)

  • If the part is an association a join to the target entity is performed

  • If it is a field, the path to that field is returned

If the path points to a primary key that is referenced in a many to one association, the foreign key field is returned instead of performing an unnecessary join (which results in address.fk_user = ? instead of INNER JOIN user ON = address.fk_user WHERE = ? for performance reasons. For this special case the interceptors (security and so on) are called for entity path Source_entity#relTarget_entity which corresponds to the foreign key field on the database which is ultimately accessed and potentially also avoids an unnecessary join due to conditions added by the interceptor.

When a join is created it corresponds to an actual JOIN in the SQL. Therefore it should be tried to reuse the join instances if the same entity is going to be joined multiple times.


The RootNodeVisitor is the entry point which handles the root node. It simply delegates to the visitor that can handle the root node and returns the predicate of that visitor.


The LogicalNodeVisitor is responsible for handling AndNode, OrNode and NotNode.

This visitor collects all predicates of its child nodes (including other logical nodes) and nests them into an And, Or or Not predicate.


The ExistsNodeVisitor handles a FuncallNode with the EXISTS keyword. These nodes represent an EXISTS subquery.

The first child node is always a PathNode that references the relation path which is queried by the subquery. Thus the visitPath() method first creates an instance of Subquery through the SubqueryFactory.

The path node might contain multiple relation paths which leads to nested EXISTS subqueries. All exists predicates are collected on a stack until the path is parsed completely. The (optional) condition is added to the top element of the stack (the one that was added last). While the predicates are removed from the stack an exists condition is added (referencing the predicate that was removed before itself). The last element removed from the stack is returned from the visitor.


The InNodeVisitor is used for handling IN clauses.

The values of the IN clause can either be specified as literals or parameters. The parameter names or literal values are collected, converted to Expression and then passed as parameters to a SqmInListPredicate.


The IsTrueNodeVisitor creates a boolean Expression. Either based on a Path that points to a boolean or a literal expression. The latter may be used by the security framework to deny any access (AND false).


The JpaIntegrationNode contains a PredicateBuilder which allows to create a condition using the new query builder features (for example uncorrelated subqueries).

This makes it possible to integrate the new features with the old query builder (this was primarily created for the PermissionMatrixEvaluationService).


The EquationNodeHandler converts an EquationNode into a Predicate. An equation node consists of two nodes and an operator that defines how the two nodes can be compared.

Currently the following nodes are supported:

  • PathNode represents a path to a certain field

  • A count expression represented by a FuncallNode

  • LiteralNode represents an explicit literal expression

  • ParameterNode represents a parameter expression

  • FuncallNode represents any sql function call

Obviously both nodes need to be of the same type, otherwise hibernate will throw an exception. Since both the ParameterNode and the LiteralNode can be converted to a different type (if a suitable converter exists), the ‘other side’ of the equation is evaluated first and then it is attempted to convert the literal or parameter using the TypeManager to the type of the ‘other side’ (if necessary).

The LIKE operator is handled specially as it is not translated into a SQL LIKE but mapped to our custom glob AbstractSqmSelfRenderingFunctionDescriptor (GlobSqlFunction). Both sides of the equation are converted to lower case to simulate ILIKE behaviour.

Localized fields

If a localized field is part of a query it needs to be resolved for the current locale before the query is parsed. This is achieved by the EntityInterceptorVisitor which is executed before the query is parsed by the predicate factory.

All path nodes are processed by the FieldResolver and all virtual fields are replaced.

Delete query builder

The CriteriaDeleteBuilderImpl is a special query builder implementation that can be used to delete multiple entities by query without the need to load every single entity.

The query selects the primary keys of all entities that may be deleted (the correct security conditions are added by the SecureQueryInterceptor). For each result a proxy is created, marked as deleted and the entityDeleting() event is fired. The reason for the proxy is to avoid loading the entire entity unless it is absolutely necessary (for example when the entity data is accessed by a listener).

Note that Entity#markDeleted() is used. This is an internal method that can be invoked without initializing the proxy (as opposed to delete()) and causes getState() to correctly return PHANTOM.

After the invocation of the listeners the proxy instances are scheduled for deletion with the EntityTransactionContext.

QueryDefinition / QueryConfigurator

The QueryDefinition contains all necessary information to build a query. It is used as a bridge between the legacy Query and the new query builders.

An instance can be obtained from the method Query#toQueryDefinition() which can then be converted to a QueryConfigurator which can be applied to the new query builder using CriteriaQueryBuilder#applyConfiguration().

This was primarily developed to be able to combine the EntityExplorerActionSelectionService with the new query builders.

Query hints

When a query builder instance is created using the PersistenceService it is possible to pass query hints in the form of a Map<String, ?>. QueryHints are additional information for the query builder which can lead to an optimized query.

Currently there is only one supported hint: QUERY_BY_KEYS.

QUERY_BY_KEYS defines all primary keys which might possibly be returned from the query. It is usually combined with a primaryKeyIn() condition.

The hints are passed to the PredicateBuilder which can use it build an optimized condition.