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The atlassian-connect-integration repository contains the “jira plugin” that is shown as the “Git Commits” tab in


The codebase of the jira plugin is hosted in a private gitlab repository and may be found using the following url. Please contact operations if you do not have access to it.


The gitlab ci/cd is used. The configuration can be found in the configuration file .gitlab-ci.yml in the repository.

A deployment is automatically started when a merge request is merged.


The atlassian-connect-integration project is an Atlassian Connect Add-On based on Spring Boot. It uses the atlassian-connect-spring-boot-starter library provided by Atlassian.

The library provides (among other things) the following features:

  • it serves the plugin descriptor (atlassian-connect.json) which is the entry point of the application

  • authentication of JIRA users using JWT

For more information about developing JIRA add-ons check out the documentation. See also the getting started guide that explains how to locally develop an add-on using a JIRA development instance. We currently have one JIRA development instance, contact the development team for access (the number of users is limited as it is a free development instance).

Plugin descriptor

The plugin descriptor (atlassian-connect.json) is the entry point of the add-on. A URL to this file needs to be provided when the add-on is installed. The relevant part of the descriptor is the following:

"modules": {
    "jiraIssueTabPanels": [
        "url": "/jira/commit-view/{issue.key}",
        "weight": 100,
        "name": {
          "value": "Git Commits"
        "key": "git-commit-tab"

This defines that we want to add a new tab to the issue view and the content of that tab should be loaded from /jira/commit-view/{issue.key} ({issue.key} will be replaced by the JIRA issue key that is currently open).

REST Endpoints

This add-on provides several REST endpoints:

  • The main entry point is the CommitListViewController (GET /jira/commit-view/{key}) which loads the view commit-list.html. This loads a React JS App that contains the tab content and makes additional REST calls to the plugin.

  • InstallationController and IssueController return the actual data about installations and commits. These endpoints do not really contain any logic and simply forward the call to the commit-info-service tool.


Authentication is provided by the Atlassian library. By default all REST endpoints are secured and can only be accessed using a valid JWT token (which is provided by JIRA). If authentication should be disabled for a certain endpoint (for example for development/test purposes) the IgnoreJwt annotation can be used.


The app is deployed in the commit-info-service OpenShift project. After the add-on has been deployed it needs to be added to the Atlassian Marketplace using a vendor account (contact the development team for access).

The process of how to publish the add-on to the marketplace und how to install the private add-on into to the productive JIRA instance is described here.