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The base entities of the calendar system are Calendar and Calendar_event. Calendars exist in two variants, system-wide and entity-specific.

System calendars exist only once per type and all events are recorded in that calendar. Such calendars exist for the following types:

  • User

    contains all the birthdates in the system

  • Issue

    for each entity a Calendar_event from the start date to the end date is created

  • Task

    for each entity a Calendar_event from the earliest start date to the planned end date is created

  • Timereport_scheme_day

    this entity contains things like holidays and weekends, so for each of these a Calendar_event is created

Entity-specific calendars exist once for each entity (called its source) per type and only the events belonging to the source are recorded in the calendar. Such calendars exist for the following types:

  • User (Participant)

    such a calendar exists for each User that is referenced from a Reservation_registration through relRegistration.relUser, for each Reservation_registration a Calendar_event with the dates of its reservation is created and added to the calendar of its user

  • User (Lecturer)

    such a calendar exists for each User that is referenced from a Reservation_lecturer_booking through relLecturer_booking.relUser, for each Reservation_lecturer_booking a Calendar_event with the dates of its reservation is created and added to the calendar of its user

  • Room

    for each Reservation related to a Room a Calendar_event is created and added to the calendar of the Room

  • Appliance

    for each Reservation related to a Appliance a Calendar_event is created and added to the calendar of the Appliance

  • Event

    for each Reservation related to an Event a Calendar_event is created and added to the calendar of the Event

All these calendar types are configured in the configuration point nice2.optional.calendar.CalendarEvents.


There are three listeners that are responsible to keep all Calendar_event entities up-to-date.

In all listeners Calendar_events entities are created, updated (actually recreated) and deleted when the entities, from which the data for the events are pulled, get adjusted.

In addition, there are four contributions to nice2.entityoperation.CascadingDeleteContribution so that Calendar_event entities are deleted when Registration, Lecturer_booking, Reservation_registration or Reservation_lecturer_booking are deleted.


Conflict entities are related to two Calendar_event entities in the same calendar which overlap. These are created in CreateConflictEntityListener. Since Calendar_event entities are only recreated or deleted there are no listeners that update or delete Conflict entities, they are just cascade deleted with their Calendar_event entities.

SetConflictsStatusListener sets Conflict_status on Registration, Lecturer_booking and Reservation, depending on the existence of Conflict entities related to them.