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Initial Value Generator

Country Initial Value Generator

This script generates the Tocco initial values for countries.

Execute Script

Prerequisite: PyYAML is installed (pip install PyYAML)

  1. Clone the generator from

  2. Go to the data source on GitHub and download the latest version of the countries.json file

  3. Copy the countries.json file to the input directory

  4. Go to the BFS data source and download the data in XML format

  5. Extract the .xml file from the downloaded ZIP file. Rename it to bfs_countries.xml and copy it to input/bfs_countries.xml directory

  6. Run the script with python3

  7. Copy the existing initial value file (from the Nice repository optional/address/resources/db/initialvalues/Country.yaml) to input/Country.yaml

  8. Run the script with python3

  9. For each country code in the Country code no longer exists list do the following in the Nice repository (change set location should be optional/address/resources/db/initialvalues/2.xx_update_country.xml):

    • If a country still exist with another iso3 code (new iso3 code must be listed in New country code added), then add the following change set:

    <changeSet author="anonymous" dbms="postgresql" id="ID" runOnChange="true">
        <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
           <tableExists tableName="nice_country"/>
        <update tableName="nice_country">
           <column name="iso3" value="NEW_VALUE"/>
           <where>iso3 = 'OLD_VALUE'</where>

    Set ID to something like updateCountry_XKV_to_UNK/2.27, OLD_VALUE is the old iso3 code and NEW_VALUE is the new iso3 code

    Additionally, update input/{licence_plate, sorting}.csv in the generator repository if necessary

    • Else, write a change set to set the country to inactive:

    <changeSet author="anonymous" dbms="postgresql" id="ID" runOnChange="true">
        <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
          <tableExists tableName="nice_country"/>
        <update tableName="nice_country">
          <column name="active" value="false"/>
          <where>iso3 = 'ISO_CODE'</where>

    Set ID to something like updateCountry_remove_ANT/2.27 and ISO_CODE is the iso3 code

  10. Copy the output files (in output) to the Nice repository:

    • Override the existing Country.yaml file in optional/address/resources/db/initialvalues

    • Override the country name section in the language file which is located at optional/address/resources/model/textresources

  11. Check the git diff to verify the data source quality

Additional Information

  • The licence_plate field is not part of the data source. There is a static file under input/licence_plate.csv as data source in the format Iso3,Licence_plate_code

  • The sorting field is an internal Tocco field. Per default a country obtains the value 100. If a non-default value is required there is a static file under input/sorting.csv in the format Iso3,number to define the value per country

  • Some countries have multiple currency codes and calling codes. In such a case the values are comma-separated written into the text field