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Introduction to Deployments and Migrations

Deployment vs Migration

In Tocco terminology, deployment and migration are two distinct concepts:

A deployment is an update within the same minor version. For instance, an update within 3.0.

A migration is an update across a major or minor version. For instance, an update from 3.0 to 3.1.


During regular operations, there is one production and one test system. When test is deployed, a new Docker image is built and pushed to OpenShift. When production is deployed, the image from test is copied and reused.

digraph {

    subgraph cluster_git {
        label="Git repository"

        r300 [ label="releases/3.0", shape=hexagon ]
    prod [ label="prod (v3.0)" ]
    test [ label="test (v3.0)" ]

    r300 -> test [ label="build and push\nDocker image" ]
    test -> prod [ label="reuse image" ]

A deployment of a change looks like this:

  • Wait for your change to be merged to the release branch (e.g. releases/3.0).

  • Deploy your change to test (Deliver (Simple))

    A new Docker image is built from source and pushed onto OpenShift.

  • Change is tested by our testers, project managers and/or customer. Fixes are deployed as needed.

  • Changes are approved: deploy to production. (Deliver (Simple)) happens.

    The Docker image from test is copied to production. Thus, production and test will be identical after this deployment.


During a migration, an additional testnew system is created and updated to the desired version. Only once the update is complete and testing is done, is the installation renamed from testnew to test and a production deployment happens..

digraph {
    label="Secondary test system used during migration."

    subgraph cluster_git {
        label="Git repository"

        r300 [ label="releases/3.0", shape=hexagon ]
        r305 [ label="releases/3.5", shape=hexagon ]
    prod [ label="prod (v3.0)" ]
    test [ label="test (v3.0)" ]
    testnew [ label="testnew (v3.5)" ]

    { rank=same test testnew }

    r300 -> test [ label="build and push\nDocker image" ]
    r305 -> testnew [ label="build and push\nDocker image" ]
    test -> prod [ label="reuse image" ]

Main reason for creating an additional test system is to allow easy deployment of hotfixes to test and production during an ongoing migration.

A migration looks like this:

  • Create a testnew installation, a copy of production.

  • Update testnew to the desired version.

    This is done by deploying the corresponding Git branch (e.g. releases/3.0).

  • Change is tested by our testers, project managers and/or customer. Fixes are deployed as needed.

  • testnew is renamed test

    The old test system is temporarily renamed testold. [1]

  • Production is deployed

Reality is a bit more complex and fully described in Migration.
