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4 weeks before release: Create release branches

Backend release

Create branches


Before you start, make sure that as many Gerrit reviews as possible are closed and merged. Otherwise they will not be merged into the correct version and need to handled manually. You can use the following filter in Gerrit to see open PRs on master: project:nice2 branch:integration/master status:open

The branches have to be created inside Gerrit. If you create them locally, you will not be able to push them to the repo. See,branches .

You need to be admin on Gerrit to be able to create the branches.

  • Gerrit -> Projects -> List -> nice2

  • Gerrit -> Projects -> Branches

  1. Branch Name: releases/${NEW_VERSION}, Initial Revision: master

  2. Branch Name: integration/releases/${NEW_VERSION}, Initial Revision: releases/${NEW_VERSION}

Create new auto merge


You need to be admin in TeamCity to be able to change the Nice2 Auto Merge build configurations.

  • Create integration/releases/${NEW_VERSION} -> releases/${NEW_VERSION}:

    • Create Build Config

    • Name: integration/releases/${NEW_VERSION} -> releases/${NEW_VERSION}

    • Based on template: Auto Merge

    • run_tests: true

    • source-branch: integration/releases/${NEW_VERSION}

    • target-branch: releases/${NEW_VERSION}

  • Create releases/${NEW_VERSION} -> integration/master

    • Create Build Config

    • Name: integration/releases/${NEW_VERSION} -> integration/master

    • Based on template: Auto Merge

    • run_tests: false

    • source-branch: releases/${NEW_VERSION}

    • target-branch: integration/master

  • Rename releases/${LAST_VERSION} -> integration/releases/${NEW_VERSION} (check to find out {LAST_VERSION})

  • Adjust parameters in all build configs accordingly

    • Make sure to change the build counters to 1 for all new configurations

  • Change the order of the build configs according to merge order. Use Reorder button in Nice2 Auto Merge.

Create new test system

  • Create new test system (Use test migration. The main difference is that the database of the previous release installation should be used as template and the ansible configuration of the previous release should be used as template)

Remove old test system(s)

Keep master and the most recent 9 test systems. Remove any older test system.

In other words, keep the following test systems:

  • just created

  • the six supported versions

  • two latest unsupported versions

See Remove Installation/Customer

Change version in files

Change version in these files in the master branch:

  • boot/src/main/resources/ch/tocco/nice2/boot/impl/

  • core/web-core/resources/resources/webapp/js/version.js

Example commit: a1a435f25e040046bd12f1685aee7eb88fa7f4a6

Update version in .gitlab-ci.yml by adjusting UPGRADE_FROM_VERSION:



This is the version of the version being released, and not master. So, if master is 3.6, version 3.5 is to be used here.

Change the database of the test customer in the created release branch by editing customer/test/src/main/resources/

  • Update hibernate.main.databaseName to include ${NEW_VERSION}

Example commit: f73b7bea7c116bb3bf8b396ff7a8041fbd4fefdc


The commit will be merged into master automatically and needs to be reverted there.

Update Initial Values

Run the scripts as explained in section Initial Value Generator to update the initial values in the integration/master branch. Add a comment on the release branch issue if no updates were available.

Docker image for DB refactoring

The db-update job in GitLab CI uses a database from the previous release to do a test upgrade. Thus, when creating a release we need a DB snapshot:

Placeholders used:


Version of the branch being created (e.g. 3.6)


Name of the test system you created in create new test system (e.g. test306).

It is recommended that you open three terminals:
  • db terminal: ssh -t psql postgres

  • vm terminal: ssh -t

  • local terminal (just open a new shell)

The instructions start on the local terminal.

  1. If you haven’t yet, clone nice2-postgres-for-testing:

    git clone
  2. Update repository:

    git fetch
  3. Make sure LFS (Large File Support) is enabled:

    • Linux users:

      apt install -y git-lfs
      git lfs install
    • Mac Users:

      brew install git-lfs
      git lfs install
  4. Create a new branch:

    git checkout -b postgres-15-nice-${VERSION}-test origin/postgres-15
  5. Copy DB:


    Switch to the db terminal.

    Kill database connections if necessary:

    • SELECT pg_terminate_backend( FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'nice\_\ **{TEST_NAME}**\ ' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();

  6. Select the newly created database:

    \c nice_${TEST_NAME}_temp;
  7. Set password to nice for all users:

    UPDATE nice_principal SET password = 'PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512:4096:512:136i33Zron48aOYDBvtbAg==:MRf3U+h9JiB5ZNEZ57VQWvCmE5yQ1IH1tTYz2ec+ZdWN/6ZtfAemXNuFd3gMLzwhy2X9e7Jt1VdmzHahInJoXA==';

    (Hash of the password used for integration tests. Not to be used for production data.)

  8. Dump DB:


    Switch to VM terminal.

    pg_dump -Fc -f nice.psql nice_${TEST_NAME}_temp
  9. Drop DB:


    Switch to db terminal.

    DROP DATABASE nice_${TEST_NAME}_temp;
  10. Copy DB:


    Switch to local terminal.

    Also double-check that you are currently inside your local repo of nice2-postgres-for-testing. Otherwise the “dumps” folder will not be found.

    scp dumps/nice.psql
  11. Remove dump on server:


    Switch to VM terminal.

    rm nice.psql
  12. Commit:


    Switch to local terminal.

    git add dumps/nice.psql
    git diff --staged
    git commit -m 'Add database'
  13. Push change:

    git push -u origin HEAD

    (Image is built automatically after push.)

  14. Schedule weekly rebuild


See README for full documentation including handling of Postgres updates.

Schedule daily run of DB migration

Always use the Gitlab Service Account from Ansible Vault (username/password & OTP in secrets2.yml), to schedule new jobs! Never use your personal account as this will lead to problems in the future.

  1. Go to Schedules

  2. New schedule

  3. Description “DB migration $VERSION”

  4. Target branch: “releases/$VERSION”

  5. Variable: name: CI_RUN_SCHEMA_UPGRADE, value: 1

  6. Save pipeline schedule


Client release

Create release branch

Head over to the tocco-client Repository and create a new release branch based on the current master revision. Replace ${VERSION} with the version number without any characters which aren’t numeric (e.g. 2.18 -> 218).

git checkout -b nice-releases/${VERSION} && git tag auto-merge/${VERSION} && git push origin nice-releases/${VERSION} && git push origin auto-merge/${VERSION}

In scripts/variables.json set testSystemUrl to https://test${VERSION} (needed by the storybook) and requireCherryPickInCommitMessage to true that always a Cherry-pick: Up/No is required in the commit message on the release branch.

Set master branch to next version

Checkout the master branch again and replace the nice version inside the file variables.json. This change must be committed, pushed and a merge request should be opened.

Run the Gitlab CI on the master branch after merging the opened merge request using the “Daily Master (SonarQube, Auto Release)” job. The packages are released for the new version and new npm dist tags are created.

On the master branch of the backend replace the old release tag with the new one in all package.json (Example commit).

Point previous release branch to new release branch

On the previous release branch (e.g. 217 when releasing 218) change in scripts/variables.json targetBranch to nice-releases/${VERSION}.

Protected branch

Protect created release branch under Settings -> Repository -> Protected branches.

Create a new protection rule:

  • Branch: nice-releases/${VERSION}

  • Allowed to merge: Developers and Maintainers

  • Allowed to push and merge: Roles No one & Users Tocco admin

  • Allowed to force push: Off

  • Require approval from code owners: Off

Gitlab CI

Create a new auto release pipeline schedule for the new release branch under Build -> Pipeline schedules.

Check if the access token is valid for more than 4 months under Settings -> Access tokens. If necessary create a new token (only expiration date is different to existing token):

  • Token name: CI

  • Expiration date: one year from today

  • Role: Maintainer

  • Scope: api

Replace the value of the CI variable GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN under Settings -> CI/CD -> variables. Remove old access token under Settings -> Access tokens. Verify that the access token is working (e.g. storybook link is posted as comment).

Documentation release

Publish new manual


You have to clone the ansible repository to access the secrets files mentioned below. You can clone the project with the following command:

git clone
  1. Go to GitLab subgroup Manual (

  2. Create a new repository called docs-publish-${VERSION} (e.g. “docs-publish-3.5”) based on the repository of the latest previous version (e.g. “docs-publish-3.4”) (New projectCreate from template → Select tab “Group” → Select the repository of the latest previous version)

  3. Run pipeline to trigger a pages deployment (Menu CI/CDPipelines → Click Run pipeline)

  4. Add domain ${VERSION} (e.g. “”) to deployed pages

    1. Menu SettingsPages → Click New Domain → Enter new domain (e.g. “”) → Click Create New Domain

    2. Add ALIAS and TXT DNS entries according to the Gitlab instructions. DNS is available under (username/password in secrets2.yml.)


    It will take a few minutes or longer until the SSL certificate is properly issued

  5. Add domain to deployed pages

    1. Add the domain just like you added the other one in the previous step

    2. Remove the domain from the previously latest docs pages.

    Note uses this domain for links to manual contents.

  6. Site Search can be configured on and is registered by for Username and password can be found in secrets.yml.

    1. Set an additional starting point in “/Build Index/Set starting point” to ensure that the subdomain is indexed.

    2. Define a new subsection in “/Build Index/Define subsections” to ensure that user can search inside a specific documentation.

    3. Restart indexing immediately by “/Build Index/Index now”.

Done! The manual publication is ready now.


Note that it still serves the contents of the latest version, as the copied repository contains these contents. Once the content in the repository gets replaced with the new files, it will be published automatically.