This is an internal documentation. There is a good chance you’re looking for something else. See Disclaimer.



Changes to the current version will be developed in separate feature branches. As soon as a feature is ready, a merge request is opened to rebase the feature branch into the master branch. Only self-contained features should be rebased to master to keep master stable and packages always ready to be published.

How to fix bugs in older versions see Maintaining older versions


See Client changelog

Merge Request

  1. Create a remote branch that fits the following naming convention: pr/{description-of-contribution}.

  2. Push commits to this branch. Set a commit message as described below.

  3. Once all changes are pushed, create a merge request. The changes should never break a package and therefore must be self-contained.

  4. Use gits interactive rebase to push changes and keep the commit history clean.

  5. The merge request will be verified by Gitlab CI. If one of them returns a bad result, the problems have to be fixed.

  6. Assign a reviewer manually.

  7. Once the merge request is rebased, the branch is deleted automatically.


If a change is very large its recommended to create a feature branch and in the process of developing make small merge requests (part) that are rebased in the main feature branch.

git checkout -b pr/{description-of-contribution} pr/{description-of-part-contribution}

Code Reviews

We use the same code review guidelines for the client as we use for the backend. See Code Reivew Guidelines

Git Commit Msg

Similar to Karma commit messages follow this convention:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>


Changelog: <feature>
Refs: <Jira Task Number>
Cherry-pick: Up

Message subject (first line)

First line must not be longer than 70 characters followed by a blank line.

<type> values


New feature


Bug fix


Changes to documentation or changelogs


Formatting etc.; no code change


Refactoring production code


Adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change


Updating webpack etc; no production code change

<scope> values

  • If the changes affect a single package the scope is set to package name (e.g. login).

  • If the change is a global or difficult to assign to a single package the parentheses are omitted.

  • If changes affect the mono-repo itself, the scope is set to ‘tocco-client’. In such a case each package is released if the changelog is not empty.

Message body

  • Should have a list structure

  • Includes motivation for the change and contrasts with previous behavior

  • Uses the imperative, present tense: “change” not “changed” nor “changes”


If a release relevant feature is added with the commit, a changelog line can be added.

Changelog: add feature XY

A commit can have several changelog entries but an entry needs to be on one single line. The changelog entries are used to generate the changelog of the corresponding <scope> package.


At the moment there is no interface between Jira and the new client code. But with Refs a commit can be linked to a task which might be helpful to comprehend a change.


Should only be set in commits for older versions. See Maintaining older versions

Maintaining older versions

Older Nice versions are using older releases of client packages. If a critical bug is found in an older package we need to fix it in that version. It’s not possible to just fix the bug in master an install the newest package since that could lead to compatibility problems. For example if the REST endpoint changes. Furthermore we don’t want to deploy all new features with the bug fix.

For each Nice release there is a release branch in the tocco-client repository. These release branches are protected and require commits to be submitted via a merge request.


Release branches have to be created parallel to the Nice releases and have to be used strictly!

Bug fixing

So if a bug is found, let’s say in Nice version 2.17, we have to fix this bug in 2.17, 2.18, … and master. Assumed it’s a critical bug, otherwise it will just be fixed in master with a merge request branch.

  1. Find out the oldest yet supported version of Nice that contains the package with the bug.

  2. Create a fix branch based on the release branch (e.g. git checkout -b pr/217/bug nice-releases/217)

  3. Commit fix to branch. Preferably with a regression test to verify the fix. (Add Cherry-pick: Up to the commit message body as Refs: TOCDEV-1 (parsing is case insensitive and whitespaces are ignored but hyphen and semicolon are required) that the commit is automatically cherry picked and released in the versions 2.18 - master)

  4. Create a merge request, wait until approved and rebase into release branch.

  5. Release branch will be automatically published overnight. (Changelog: has to be in the commit message body.)

  6. Delete fix branch.

  7. If the commit was annotated with Cherry-pick: Up, the CI will automatically pick this commit in the next version and will release the packages accordingly. See CI page for more information.

There is still the possibility to do things manually without the cherry-pick annotation. In this case the relevant commits should be cherry picked with git in the next version. Then the packages can be published there as well. Repeat until hotfix is no more relevant or the bug is fixed in the newest version (master).





Release Branch



Fix Branch



Hotfix Release



Release Tag





Bug fix release Example (Created with, source xml in resource folder)

This examples shows two packages (Merge and Login) each with an individual release since they are both tocco-apps.

Performed actions:

  • Minor releases in master branch (feature branch are not show in diagram)

  • Bug fix with fix branches in older version of Nice.

  • Npm Tags (latest tags of master releases not shown).

The cherry-pick shown in the example can either be done manually or is done automatically with the commit annotation.

Interactive Rebasing

An interactive rebase is recommended if the base should be updated to enable a rebase. This also gives the change to adjust commit messages, amend changes to an existing commit or clean up the commit history of a change in general. If for example a merge request review suggest a change to a commit that is not the last one, with an interactive rebase the commit can be edited to ensure a clean history.

A remote identical to origin named “tocco-client” must exists for the following commands.

git fetch tocco-client
git merge-base my-branch tocco-client/master
git rebase -i ${HASH}
git rebase tocco-client/master
git push -f

Of course when working on a branch based on a nice-release branch tocco-client/master must be replaced accordingly.