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Terms condition

If a widget should contain terms condition and/or privacy protection, the Tocco framework provides a generic feature. This section describes how to add both condition and privacy protection. However you can add them independently. So you can add only privacy protection or create a new type.

Widget config

Add relations:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<relation xmlns="">
    <source entity-model="WIDGET_CONFIG_ENTITY">
        <delete cascade="no"/>
    <target entity-model="Terms_condition">
        <delete cascade="no"/>
        <display show="false"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<relation xmlns="">
    <source entity-model="WIDGET_CONFIG_ENTITY" name="relTerms_condition_privacy">
        <delete cascade="no"/>
    <target entity-model="Terms_condition" name="relWIDGET_CONFIG_ENTITY_config_privacy">
        <delete cascade="no"/>
        <display show="false"/>

Add the text resources:
entities.WIDGET_CONFIG_ENTITY.relTerms_condition=AGB Konfiguration
entities.WIDGET_CONFIG_ENTITY.relTerms_condition_privacy=Datenschutz Konfiguration

Add relations to existing detail form:

<single-select-box data="relTerms_condition" constriction="terms_condition"/>
<single-select-box data="relTerms_condition_privacy" constriction="terms_privacy"/>


If there is no association releation between the entity and Terms_condition_confirmation add one.

Add relation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<relation xmlns="">
    <source entity-model="Terms_condition_confirmation">
        <delete cascade="no"/>
    <target entity-model="ENTITY">
        <delete cascade="no"/>
        <display show="true" order="XXXXX"/>

Add relation to detail form:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<form xmlns="">
<horizontal-box name="box1" labeled="false">
    <vertical-box name="box1" labeled="false">
        <vertical-box name="association" labeled="true">
            <field data="relENTITY" position="after:relUser"/>

Add acl rule:

    grant access(read) to XXXXXmanager, XXXXXguest if exists(relENTITY);

Add contribution for term condition source entity:

public TermsConditionConfirmationSource XXXXXTermsConditionConfirmationSource() {
    return new TermsConditionConfirmationSource("ENTITY", "relENTITY");

If you want to link multiple source entities use new TermsConditionConfirmationSource("ENTITY", "relENTITY", "relINTERMEDIATE");. In such a case ENTITY.relINTERMEDIATE is linked as relENTITY to the Terms_condition_confirmation.

Widget forms

Add the term elements to the widget form:

<terms type="conditions" path="" use-label="hide"/>
<terms type="privacy_protection" path="" use-label="hide"/>

If no Terms_condition for the given type is available, the field will not be rendered.

Per default the path should be an empty string. If the Terms_condition_confirmation should be linked with a nested relation, set relRELATION[new] as path. For example in the event registration widget a user is created (data="User" in create/update form). However the Terms_condition_confirmation should be linked with the created Registration. So the path is relRegistration[new].

Custom rebinding endpoint (Optional)

Some widgets have a custom REST endpoint for rebinding. In the rebind limit configuration the paths relTerms_condition_confirmation[conditions] and relTerms_condition_confirmation[privacy_protection] must be added.

Custom condition resolver (Optional)

Resolving the Term_condition has the following priority:

  1. defined Term_condition on widget config

  2. TermsConditionResolver registered for the entity model

A TermsConditionResolver is required if depending on the current entity another Term_condition should be loaded (For example in the event registration). If this case is used, put(formData.setTermsCurrentEntity(MODEL_NAME, KEY)) must be called during the initialization in the frontend code.